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Our Experience with an Early Transition to One Nap
Story time about our experience with an early transition to one nap! I do not have much professional experience with this as only a handful of clients have transitioned before 12 months, but I’ll share my personal take on it!
How many naps for an 11 month old?
You may be wondering how many naps your 11 month old should be taking during the day, but keep in mind that any recommendation is based on averages and some kids fall outside of those guidelines!
When to stop dream feeding?
Dream feeding can be a helpful tool in getting parents longer stretches of sleep, but when do you stop? How do you stop dream feeding? All answered here!
What does a 4 nap schedule look like?
If you’re nearing the 3 month mark and are wondering what does a 4 nap schedule look like including feedings, discover all our tips in this blog!
My baby sleeps well at night, but takes short naps!
It can be so frustrating for your baby to sleep well at night but takes short naps during the day! You’re not alone in craving a little bit of alone time during the day during a nice, long nap. Discover the secrets to getting better naps today!
Baby Sleep Cues vs Baby Hunger Cues
Deciphering baby sleep cues vs baby hunger cues can be very difficult for new parents as they’re learning their individual baby! This blog may help you decide between nap time and feeding time for your new little one.
What causes false starts in baby sleep?
If you’ve heard the term “false start”, it’s probably because it’s something you’re dealing with! If you’re not sure what causes false starts in baby sleep, check out this blog for what it is and how to resolve it!
When do toddlers stop napping?
There are definitely pros and cons to toddlers napping or not napping! The break can be so welcomed when they take a nap, but no nap life has its perks too. Read on if you’re wondering when toddlers stop napping.
How to Move Baby’s Bedtime
There are multiple reasons for wanting to move your child’s bedtime (or schedule). This blog outlines ways to move bedtime earlier or later!
20 Questions to ask a Baby Sleep Consultant Before Hiring Them
Hiring a sleep consultant can be a big investment for many families, so we want to make sure we are a GREAT fit to work together to reach your sleep goals! Here are 20 questions to ask a baby sleep consultant before hiring them to make sure everything is in alignment!
How to fix baby’s sleep schedule
Getting baby on a regular routine can feel difficult if you don’t know where to start! This blog about how to fix baby’s sleep schedule outlines the important part of routines and timing to consider.
The Best Baby Sleep Environment
Creating the best baby sleep environment is a mix of understanding the baby's biology and experimenting with what works best for your individual child. It’s also essential to remember that as your baby grows, their needs may change, so be ready to adapt.
Can you sleep train while breastfeeding?
We know sleep training is often controversial and we truly believe the root of that is misunderstanding. Most people don’t know that you can sleep train while breastfeeding. This blog talks about the balance between feeding and sleep (how to get more sleep without sacrificing your feeding goals).
Why won’t my baby sleep on their back?
We know back to sleep is “best” but someone didn’t tell all the newborn babies that! You’re not a failure if your child is struggling, but here are some tips to help if you’re feeling like “why won’t my baby sleep on their back!”
Signs of the 4 Month Sleep Regression
As the 4 month mark approaches, you may wonder, “is this finally it?” as a sense of impending doom. While not every child will show signs of the 4 month sleep regression, there is usually at least one indication of it happening!
OtterSpace Blackout Curtains: Review
When looking for blackout solutions for a child’s room, most parents have two requests: total black out (duh) and the ability to let natural light in easily. Well, find out if these fit the bill!
When do you start sleep training?
Deciding to sleep train and deciding when do you sleep train can be two difficult choices! Parents want to be intentional whenever working on sleep habits for their little ones so getting the timing right can feel like a lot of pressure.
How to Help a Teething Baby Sleep
Teething is inevitable— we know this as parents. And it can cause so much stress because we can’t always anticipate when it’s going to happen and how disruptive it may be for your child’s sleep. This blog has strategies available to help a teething baby sleep.
Recommended Products for Sleep Training
There are very few “must have” items for baby sleep and the ones that are important help to complete the baby sleep puzzle— they’re not the WHOLE puzzle. So you’ll never find me out here shilling products that aren’t necessary and promise to be THE thing that improves sleep!
What happens if you don’t sleep train your baby?
Spoiler alert: nothing bad happens if you don’t sleep train your baby/child. However, sleep training can be a very natural thing that happens with age as a child matures and eventually starts to sleep in their own space (whenever you view sleep training as a behavior modification to the way you fall asleep). Everyone’s habits can change around sleep whenever the time is right!