Do you need a sleep consultant?
“Does your baby sleep through the night?”
Not many parents understand developmentally appropriate sleep expectations nor do they understand that kids are not “good” or “bad” sleepers. Some kids are just naturally better at soothing than others and the others just need some help in figuring it out.
Are you confused about baby sleep? Are you overwhelmed with information?
Or are you tired of hearing these unhelpful statements?
“Sleep when the baby sleeps!
“Better sleep now because you won’t sleep again.”
“Never wake a sleeping baby!”
“Keep your baby up all day so they sleep all night!”
“If you hold your baby all the time, you’ll spoil her.”
“If you pick her up every time she cries, you’ll spoil her.”
“Your child should fit your schedule.”
“Make sure your child is on a strict schedule from birth.”
I get it. Baby sleep can be very frustrating, especially as a new parent but even still for a seasoned one! I often equate it to physics or clear as mud!
It’s absolutely never my intention to shame parents for their choices, parenting styles, etc regarding their child’s sleep. If what you’re currently doing is working great for your family (that includes you mama!) and your child is getting the sleep they need for their age, then don’t fix what’s not broken!
But if you’re here, I assume you’ve gotten off track and need help getting back on the rails. This is where I come in.
What about crying though?
I get it— really. Crying is a trigger to many parents and society/social media has led us to believe that all crying = bad.
That simply isn’t the case! Crying is an emotion. It’s a feeling. It’s not damaging to cry or experience an array of emotions. Our goal as parents isn’t to ensure our children never feel anything remotely uncomfortable or shed a tear.
Can you imagine?
“Gentle” or “no cry” sleep training methods exist in the sense that those methods are more about how YOU as a parent respond, not how your baby responds to the changes .Tears are absolutely unavoidable, but we can support them through it without feeling like we have to make it stop at all costs (including your sanity).
When you’re ready and committed to making changes to your sleep situation, then we work together to find the perfect combination of things for your child and your parenting.
I take pride in combing through your comprehensive intake form (including the deep questions about how I can actually help YOU, not just your baby), creating a sleep plan, and supporting you through the sleep journey to acheive success in sleep training.
I truly view this as a partnership! I never want to just TELL you what to do (though I definitely can). I want to provide you with objective options that you can implement as you see fit for your child.
Why do I care about sleep so much and getting enough of it?
Sleep is when all the good things happen for our bodies. Growth hormones are released, toxic waste is dumped from our brains, and memories are being stored. Those things won’t happen like they’re supposed to without proper sleep and in the proper sleep windows for their age.
Poor sleep can lead to emotional instability, difficulty learning new skills, impact learning with age including language skills, and can negatively affect their health with a higher risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and poor cardiovascular health.
Not only is sleep important for your growing child, it’s also important for you. For everything listed above, but also because it’s imperative for your mental health. Moms, you’re already at risk for PPD/PPA and less sleep will exacerbate that. How can we parent to the best of our ability that our children deserve when we’re barely functioning ourselves?
Sleep problems can persist well into toddlerhood or later! However, it’s never too late to create healthy sleep habits.
But why would I hire a sleep consultant?
I’m viewing your situation from the outside in! That perspective allows me to see exactly what areas we need to focus on and what changes we need to make to ensure your child has a fair chance at being successful with learning this skill. (I even consulted with a sleep coach when I was in the newborn fog with my third baby!)
I’ve completed over 50 hours of coursework & continuing education + over 6 years of experience with helping thousands of parents on a forum and my own clients. I have created guides as well as continue to work 1:1 with clients in order to serve families in the way they need me to!
I’m there to cheer you on and can show you the light at the end of the tunnel from the commitment and hard work you’ve put into improving sleep habits! Mommin’ aint easy and it’s even harder without the proper support. Let me wade through the myths and advice to see what will actually improve sleep!