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Is it normal for babies to be loud sleepers?
Babies spend a lot of time in active sleep which gives them a lot of time to be noisy while they’re in those sleep cycles! If you’re wondering is it normal for babies to be loud sleepers, check out this blog for reasons why!
Is never wake a sleeping baby true?
Everyone loves to tell you to not wake a sleeping baby and while some babies are flexible enough to roll with it (and others are extra wakeful that you WISH waking them was your problem), there are lots of reasons you may need to wake your sleeping baby!
How to Get Baby to Sleep Through the Night
To get your baby sleeping through the night, you need to first understand what that actually means AND have some realistic expectations in place for their age!
Reasonable Expectations for Sleep
Managing expectations around sleep is usually my number one job! We should only hold our children to the standard they are capable of achieving, not what your neighbor’s cousins baby was doing. Check this blog out for peace of mind.
Moving and Maintaining Your Sleep Routines
Moving IS a stressful event, but there are things you can do to manage the stress for everyone! Check this blog out to have a seamless transition into your new home.
Is It a Nightmare or a Night Terror?
Nightmares or night terrors can make sleep difficult for children. Find out the difference between the two and how you can help!
Optimizing Sleep at Daycare
Infants and toddlers often struggle with sleep at daycare. I’ve got some suggestions that can help your child adjust to sleeping in the daycare setting!
3 Strategies to Drop the Pacifier
There comes a time in every child’s life when they need to drop the pacifier. Here are 3 methods that you can try!
Introducing a Lovey for Sleep
Introducing a lovey for sleep can be a great milestone for little ones. They can carry this transitional object through things like separation anxiety and when traveling. A lovey is great for sleep!
Dark Room for Daytime Naps
Where should my baby nap during the day!? Is it really that important for it to be dark?
It is! This blog will cover all the reasons daytime naps should be in the dark but also, when you can get away with NOT using dark for naps. There is a balance! (You guys know I’m all about balance!)