How to Get a Toddler on a sleep Schedule

Let’s talk about something we’ve all struggled with at one point or another: getting our toddlers to sleep on a schedule. I get it- it feels impossible to have your toddler on a schedule when bedtime battles, nap refusals, and early wake-ups take over your household. As both a mom and a sleep coach, I want to share some tried-and-true tips to help you set your little one on a steady sleep schedule that works for your family.

Why a Sleep Schedule Matters for a Toddler

Toddlers thrive on routine. They may not always like structure (hello, defiance phase!), but toddlers (all babies and kids) crave consistency. A predictable sleep schedule helps regulate their internal clock  (circadian rhythm), and leads to fewer tantrums, better naps, and more peaceful bedtimes.

Toddler Sleep Needs:

Most toddlers (1-3 years) need around 11-14 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period, between nighttime sleep and 1-2 naps. Remember: every child is different, but this is a great starting point.

Start with Bedtime

If you are choosing to be on a by the clock schedule (I highly recommend that on a 1 nap schedule) …  choose a consistent bedtime. Depending on your toddler’s nap, most do well with a bedtime between 7:00-8:00 PM.

Bedtime Routine for a Toddler

A predictable bedtime routine signals your toddler that sleep is coming. Keep the routine calm and consistent. If your toddler has many bedtime battles, screens should be off at least an hour before bed, as they can overstimulate your toddler and disrupt melatonin production. Creating a visual schedule or routine cards can help motivate your child for bedtime and remind them that it is coming. 

Keep it simple:

1. Bath or quick wipe-down.

2. Pajamas.

3. Brush teeth.

4. Storytime or cuddles.

5. Sound Machine and lights out


Sleep brings on sleep! I personally do not recommend dropping a nap until 3+ of age. If your child does not nap, consider an earlier bedtime! A toddler usually naps for around 60-120 minutes, That nap can happen around 12:30/1pm for most 1-3 year olds.


Consistency is key to building a sleep schedule! Be consistent with your routine & boundaries! 


One of my favorite tips for working with toddlers is to use a visual schedule and a “ready-to-wake” clock. These tools not only help your toddler stay on track (and make life easier for you!) but also give them a sense of independence and control.


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